How Girls Grow at Camp

If your daughter spends two weeks at Camp and comes home exactly the same, we've failed. Growth looks different in every girl, but everyone has areas in which they can grow. Part of the counselor's role at Crestridge is to both get to know your daughter and help her grow as an individual.


We want campers to get outside their comfort zone and try things for the first time, even if that means struggling at first. That could be doing the zip line or trying a new food.


Mom isn't going to make your bed or take your laundry down to the laundry room at Camp. Part of growing up is learning to take ownership and take control of themselves and their things.


Campers are put into a cabin with 2-3 counselors and 9 other girls from all over the country and the world. They get the chance to make friends the "old fashioned way" who will often last a lifetime!


Campers spend two weeks living with role models who show them in word and action what it means and looks like to pursue and follow Jesus daily. Part of growing up is learning to take ownership of their faith.


We challenge campers to become leaders, or to grow in their leadership. There are many different types of leaders and ways to lead others and through our challenge system, girls are given specific and individual areas to grow and lead their peers.