Packing for Crestridge

As you begin packing for camp, you should know something right from the start: Don't buy all new clothes for camp! Camp is fun, but fun can be dirty sometimes. Clothes WILL get dirty at camp. You can expect that, regardless of the fact that all clothes are laundered at camp, your daughter will return with a few stained clothes. Pack older clothes for daily wear, plus some nice things to wear for church and special times.

All clothing should be marked with the camper's name (either using permanent marker or labels). This will help ensure that most of what you send will return. If clothes are not marked, they may be donated at the end of the summer.

We have prepared a Packing List that you can use as a guideline to pack for camp. This is just a suggested list, not mandatory. You may want to add a few things, leave out others, but it is a good place to start.

Download Packing List

What should my camper not bring to camp?

Your daughter should not need expensive valuables at camp. These might be expensive watches, rings, radios, costly cameras, etc. The camp cannot be responsible for these items if they get lost or misplaced. Cell Phones, iPods, iPads, Kindles, PSP's, and Nintendo Switches should not be brought to camp. We are trying to preserve a wholesome, rustic, outdoor atmosphere here at camp. These items seem to only detract from this setting. Should the camper come with one of these items, they will be kept in the office (in our safe) and returned when the camper departs. Alcohol, tobacco of any kind, vape paraphernalia, and illegal drugs are not permitted at camp. If a camper is suspected of having alcohol or illegal drugs in their possession, they will be asked if we can search their belongings. If yes, we will do so with the camper present. The camp reserves the right to search a camper's possessions if they do not agree to the search. If alcohol, tobacco of any kind, vape paraphernalia or illegal drugs are found in a camper's possession, their parents will be contacted, and appropriate action will be taken. Campers should not bring personal sports equipment to camp from home. If they do, they will be doing so at their own risk. Camp is not responsible for lost or broken sports equipment. Campers are not allowed to bring cars to camp, or travel in personal staff cars. Campers are not allowed to bring animals/pets from home. Weapons are not allowed at camp, other than rifles and bows for riflery and archery that the camp provides. No personal rifles or bows are permitted. Please understand that each of these policies are in place for the well-being of all campers and staff. If you have questions, please contact our office.

If a camper is found to have a cell phone in their possession after Opening Day, then an automatic fine of $300 will be charged to the account.

Can I ship my camper's trunk ahead of time?

We often have families that drive up, and have little room for camp trunks to come with them. You are welcome to send trunks ahead of time. It seems like the best way to do this is by UPS. If you send the trunk UPS Ground Track, it can be tracked very easily online if the trunk is lost "en route" to camp. When sending trunks or other items by UPS, make sure to use this street address:

Camp Crestridge

105 Balsam Road

Black Mountain, NC 28711

Please put the camper's FULL NAME ON YOUR TRUNK before shipping.

You may also send your trunks home from camp by UPS if you like.This can only be done by you contacting the Black Mountain UPS store at 828-664-9333 or clicking on this link:

UPS will come to camp and pick up your child’s trunk the day after closing day. You can also use the Black Mountain UPS store to arrange shipping both ways. Please do not make arrangements with UPS in your town or another delivery service to pick up your child’s trunk from camp, and please do not bring pre-paid labels with you to camp. Our trunk shipments work best only if you work directly with the Black Mountain UPS store.


Name Tapes, Labels, etc.
Camp Stamp
Sterling Name Tape

Trunks and footlockers can be purchased inexpensively at places like Wal-Mart. Some companies offer a more substantial footlocker like the one listed below.

Everything Summer Camp