Summer Staff Members

Caroline Bonomo

CounselorNew Staff

This is Caroline's first summer at Camp & she is so excited to walk alongside campers this summer!

If you were a pasta shape, what would you be and why?

I would be the butterfly/bow tie looking shape because I LOVE butterflies :)

What are the top three things on your bucket list?

1. Go to Maine to see where my parents fell in love 2. Island hope around the South Pacific 3. Try a food from every single country

If animals could drive, which animal would be the best and why?

Definitely horses because they basically are cars themselves

What's your favorite Bible verse and why?

Romans 5:3-5. This verse reminds me that all of the trouble and turmoil that is thrown my way is God’s hand molding my character into the woman I am intended to be.

What are you praying for in anticipation for this summer?

I am praying that I can be a guiding light for the kids I will be working with, as well as learn from the beauty and experience of each camper/staff member.