Summer Staff Members

Catherine Wilhite

Wilderness CounselorNew Staff

Cat was a long-time camper & served as a SALT! She is so excited to be back at camp this summer!

If you were a pasta shape, what would you be and why?

I would have to be ravioli for sure, simply because I’d be full of cheese, which is already true so I wouldn’t be that different.

What are the top three things on your bucket list?

Ok so number 3 on the bucket list is to go on a cruise. I’m not sure why, but at some point when I was younger the idea of going on a cruise consumed my mind and it’s never gone away. Number 2 would have to be living in France on a small farm with a family and becoming fluent through the experience. And lastly number 1 would be to own some sort of cafe or jazz club where I could play music with a band and always get free food.  

If animals could drive, which animal would be the best and why?

I think the safest driver would for sure be a sloth but every other animal would probably get road rage from how slow they are. So the best driver might be a monkey—they’re smart, have hands, and seem to be a good size.

What's your favorite Bible verse and why?

Romans 5:1-5! My dad loves those verses so you could say I’m copying him. The passage talks about the hope we can see and experience through our suffering. Suffering produces endurance, which produces character, which produces hope! I think we all need to be reminded of the message of hope.

What are you praying for in anticipation for this summer?

I’m praying that not only do campers learn about and experience the love of the Lord, but that they have THE BEST TIME EVER!! I hope they enjoy running around, exploring, dancing, singing, anything that brings them joy :)