Summer Staff Members

Grace Olson

CounselorNew Staff

This is Grace's first summer at camp & she cannot wait to be here! She is so excited to see how the Lord moves this summer!

If you were a pasta shape, what would you be and why?

If I were a pasta shape I think I would be fettuccine. It’s always my go to order at restaurants!

What are the top three things on your bucket list?

Travel out of the country, have a family, and continue to learn more about Jesus.

If animals could drive, which animal would be the best and why?

I think dolphins would be great drivers! They’re super smart and fun, so you would definitely have a great time on a car ride with a dolphin!

What's your favorite Bible verse and why?

My favorite verse at the moment is Romans 12:2, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” It’s a great reminder to us that God made us uniquely in His image and there is no need to try to “fit in”. We should refresh our minds into knowing that who we are is who we’re meant to be for Jesus!

What are you praying for in anticipation for this summer?

This summer I pray over all the amazing campers and staff to come into this experience with an open heart and a focus on Jesus! I pray that our campers leave with a deeper understanding and desire to learn more about the greatness of God.