Jillian Wars
SALT DirectorReturners
Jillian has been a long-time camper and has served as a SALT and JET! She is excited to be back at camp this summer at the SALT director!
What is something you could give a 20 minute presentation about no hesitation?
Why blueberries are the BEST fruit!! Also on the comeback of Florida State football:))
POV you're driving down the Blue Ridge Parkway. Windows down. What song are you listening to?
NO DOUBT Mountain Song by Flatland Calvary or All Your’n by Tyler Childers!!!
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I’ve always wanted to be a doctor!! Though I did want to work part time as a dolphin trainer on the side too!! I had it all planned out- who needs to sleep??
When someone mentions Crestridge, what's the FIRST thought that pops into your head? (Think sweet or silly!)
SWEET SUMMERTIME!!! Crestridge is a place where we spend even more time with sweet Jesus and grow outside of normal routine. So many moments at camp are pure joy!!
As the Lord is preparing your heart for this summer, what's your biggest prayer?
I am just truly praying that the SALTs experience even more of the Lord’s heart through service. There is so much joy in our labor for the Lord- and so many opportunities to grow through His Word!! My heart is just so prayerful that the SALTS will rely on him for their strength in all moments, and love each other fiercely. I pray for silly moments, dance parties, and trash runs with the Lord’s heart evident through it all!!