Julia Swiercek
Julia was a counselor in the Cumberland village last summer and is SO excited to be back serving summer #2 as a counselor!
What is something you could give a 20 minute presentation about no hesitation?
I could easily give a 20 minute presentation on all my favorite sweet treat spots in Birmingham!! I am a BIG fan of a sweet treat and can easily be convinced (or convince my friends) to get a sweet treat! You could find me any weekend with my friends at one of my favorite ice cream or cookie shops!
POV you're driving down the Blue Ridge Parkway. Windows down. What song are you listening to?
Mountain Song by Flatland Cavalry!!! A group of friends and I saw Flatland Cavalry in concert between sessions last summer and that makes listening to their music on Blue Ridge Parkway even better!!!
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was little I wanted to be a doctor!
When someone mentions Crestridge, what's the FIRST thought that pops into your head? (Think sweet or silly!)
Dance parties in the dining hall with your best friends!!!!! There is something about that mid-lunch dance party that just can't be beat!!!!
As the Lord is preparing your heart for this summer, what's your biggest prayer?
I am praying that all of the staff and all the campers would be united under the same purpose and mission: to know and serve a God who goes before us and prepares the way, a God who loves us immensely, a God who shows mercy and grace with each passing day. May each of us know that we were created on purpose and for a purpose by our loving Father.