Summer Staff Members

Lilly O'Connell

JETNew Staff

Lilly was a long-time camper & a SALT last summer! She is excited to be back at camp this summer & cannot wait to see how the Lord moves!

If you were a pasta shape, what would you be and why?

I would probably be Lasagna! Sometimes I have to be serious and flat, but I can be fun and squiggly too!

What are the top three things on your bucket list?

The top three things on my bucket list are to hike the entire Appalachian Trail, snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef, and go to La Tomatina (a food fight festival) in Spain!

If animals could drive, which animal would be the best and why?

I think an Octopus would be the best because it has the most hands to drive with and if it got in a crash, it could just squeeze its way out and not even be hurt! As an added bonus they could probably drive underwater too…

What's your favorite Bible verse and why?

My favorite Bible verse would have to be 1 Corinthians 13:13, as it exemplifies how I try to live my life!. Faith, hope, and love are three of the most important things you can remember, and I love reading and re-reading this verse to remind myself of the goodness that God has created us with!

What are you praying for in anticipation for this summer?

I am praying for my campers to have a safe and fun time this summer whilst growing in their relationship with Christ!