Summer Staff Members

Makenzie Howe

JETNew Staff

This is Makenzie's first summer at Camp & she cannot wait to have a summer full of discipleship and adventure!

If you were a pasta shape, what would you be and why?

Bow tie. They just seem to have their life together the most.

What are the top three things on your bucket list?

See the Northern Lights, sing in a Broadway musical, and walk through Paris at night to see the lights.

If animals could drive, which animal would be the best and why?

A gorilla because they can actually reach the pedals and they have hands to steer the car.

What's your favorite Bible verse and why?

"And we are confident that He hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases Him." 1 John 5:14

What are you praying for in anticipation for this summer?

I'm praying that whoever the girls are that I spend my summer with that each day they learn something new. I don't necessarily believe that they have to have a huge spiritual awakening for it to be a successful couple of weeks, learning something new every day, and gradually getting more and more confident in their faith is what I pray for.