Summer Staff Members

Meredith McFarland


Meredith was a long time camper and a Bluerock counselor last summer! She is so excited to be a counselor again this summer and see all that the Lord is going to do!

What is something you could give a 20 minute presentation about no hesitation?

The Roman Empire

POV you're driving down the Blue Ridge Parkway. Windows down. What song are you listening to?

Don’t Take the Money by the Bleachers

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

National Park Ranger

When someone mentions Crestridge, what's the FIRST thought that pops into your head? (Think sweet or silly!)

two square and cheerwine

As the Lord is preparing your heart for this summer, what's your biggest prayer?

To reveal Himself in a new and unique way to me to share with others