Summer Staff Members

Rylie Wallace

CounselorNew Staff

Rylie is going to be a counselor this summer at Crestridge and is so excited about all that the Lord is going to do in the lives of campers!

What is something you could give a 20 minute presentation about no hesitation?

Gilmore Girls!!! I have watched the series over 50 times since I was in elementary school!! I can tell you about the actors, all the insane references the characters make, costumes, casting, etc!

POV you're driving down the Blue Ridge Parkway. Windows down. What song are you listening to?

Anything by Taylor Swift!!

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a lot of things, some honorable mentions are a teacher, veterinarian, marine biologist, and a pop star! I also have always wanted to be a mom, even when I was little!

What's your favorite Bible story?

David and Goliath because it shows that you can overcome things that are seemingly impossible if you have Faith!

As the Lord is preparing your heart for this summer, what's your biggest prayer?

My biggest prayer for the summer is that every camper and staff member are able to grow in their Faith and deepen their relationship with the Lord! I also am praying for Gods wisdom as I prepare to lead a new generation of believers to Him and His word!